Sometimes we find it difficult to organize our ideas before expressing them, and when this happens we may not be able to communicate or deliver the message effectively. We can get stuck, say one thing meaning another, change the place of words in sentences or succumb before bad translation. All that is related to several causes, included but not limited to:


  • a hurried reply
  • connecting to a new set of ideas or a new conversation
  • getting obsessed with one single way to express things
  • not having second thoughts on what we say
  • overstructuring
  • oversimplifying

At the suggested links you’ll find interesting information that may prove fruitful and, eventually, lead you to organize your ideas better and express them more appropriately. Additionally, try and practice as much as you can in order to develop strategies and apply certain techniques such as:

  • Lists of statements that express the same idea in different ways
  • Grammar and collocation exercises
  • Reading transcripts of conversations to recognize structures
  • Listening to interviews
  • Identifying elements of cohesion

Using words or phrases to make time while thinking, etc.

Yoda talking avoid you should