The use of prepositions in the English language, can be confusing at first. However, as you have more practice with the language, you can use all prepositions correctly. We hope you find this article useful. Go to the sitios de…
Is it the same writing a letter to an essay? What about a report or a speech? You may have found that it is totally different to write in each case: you need a specific layout, different style and a…
Willst du Musik mit deutschen hören?
Bist du schon müde für die mexicanische gleiche Sendungen hören… suchst du eine neue Alternativ um deutsche Musik hören? oder deine deusche Sprache verbessern? ist eine gute alternative. seine web-Seit ist einer die Beste gemacht hat. Sie hat viele…
The Myth of the Good Student
Do you think that the good student really exists? Do you consider yourself a good student? What characteristics make a student a good or bad student? Do you think we should label ourselves as good or bad in whatever it…
Most Common English Idioms for Sounding Like a Native
Would you like to sound like a native as much as possible? How familiarized are you with English idioms? Idioms are part of the everyday language native people use, as a student of English, it is essential that you become familiar…
Mind mapping
Are you good at managing your time? How do you record vocabulary? Do you spend much time trying to memorize information? Do you plan how and when to study? Are you an organized person? If you answered no to one…
Learning styles
What do you do when you are in class? Have you seen what your classmates do? Some students focus on the teacher’s facial expression, the tone of voice, the movements he does every time he introduces a new topic, what…
Big City Small World
If you want develop your listening comprehension skills and practice with different accents, In a fun and dynamic way, Go to the Sitios de interés and try out this activity from the BBC’s Learn English site. British Council – Learn…
Conheça o e-Tandem UNAM – UNESP
Gostaria de falar com estudantes nativos brasileiros? Você sabe o quê é e-tandem? Chama-se e-tandem ao intercambio por médio de videoconferência entre nativos de diferentes países, com o objetivo de aprender uma língua estrangeira. A Midiateca do CELE oferece esta…
Comment améliorer mon niveau de français?
La continuité d’un apprentissage responsable se fait à travers d’une évaluation de ce qui a été appris durant un certain temps. Le résultat de cette évaluation peut donner lieu à une reflexión sur le procès d’apprentissage. Voudrais-tu faire la preuve d’évaluation?…