
When we’re learning a language which is different to ours, we commonly have to face moments of challenge and nervousness in real communicative situations. It may be appropriate to say that some of the worries we commonly feel are related to our understanding of the other language… or the lack of it. Sooner or later we realize that lack of understanding is generally product of not listening effectively to our fellow interlocutors and then we start wondering “What can I do then to develop my listening skills?”

In the videos at the suggested links you might find the answer to such question (and to your prayers). Experts in communicative skills explain us the ways we can improve our listening skills by developing strategies and applying certain techniques that are really easy to remember. Examples of those can be: the prediction of the information in accordance to context, the collection of important information parting from the wh- words (who, when, where, why, etc.), among others. So, feel free to click on the links to watch the videos and use or adapt what’s recommended in relation to your very own necessities…


Saying “I beg your pardon?” too often?