Can we think of unreal food? Well yes, but this is not the aim of this note. Real food is all about great tasting, sustainably and ethically produced food. It is sold in what people in England call Real Food…
Celtic and the History of the English Language
Do you know the origins of the English language? There have been many studies that place it as early as the year 500 from West Germanic languages. If you are interested in finding out more about the origins of the…
Mind mapping
Are you good at managing your time? How do you record vocabulary? Do you spend much time trying to memorize information? Do you plan how and when to study? Are you an organized person? If you answered no to one…
Learning styles
What do you do when you are in class? Have you seen what your classmates do? Some students focus on the teacher’s facial expression, the tone of voice, the movements he does every time he introduces a new topic, what…
Big City Small World
If you want develop your listening comprehension skills and practice with different accents, In a fun and dynamic way, Go to the Sitios de interés and try out this activity from the BBC’s Learn English site. British Council – Learn…
Chicago Loop
The Chicago Loop is the center of Chicago and the most iconic section of the city; There are many museums, theatres, buildings and restaurants in this area that are worth visiting. If you want to learn more, check this site.…
さっぽろ雪祭り Festival de la nieve de Sapporo
みなさん、日本の北海道がどこにあるか知っていますか。日本の一番北にある島です。そこは冬の間雪がたくさん降ります。さっぽろ雪祭りとは毎年2月に北海道の札幌市内の公園で行われる雪と氷の祭典です。雪で色々な物が作られ、素晴らしいです。 このテーマに興味があれば、次のカのサイトに入ってください。 Wikipedia: さっぽろ雪まつり Wikipedia: Festival de la nieve de Sapporo *Nota elaborada por la asesora Yumiko Hoshino
La Befana
La Befana è un mitico personaggio con l’aspetto da vecchia che porta, nella notte tra il 5 e il 6 gennaio, regali ai bambini buoni. Questi, da parte loro, preparano per la buona vecchia, in un piatto, un mandarino o…
Die deutsche Autobahn
Deutschland hat mit 21800 km das beste Autobahnnetz der Welt, aber die ist auch nicht das neueste. Die erste Strecke wurde in Berlin 1921 gebaut, danach kam das Projekt Hamburg-Frankfurt-Basel, dessen Strecke ab 1926 zu befahren war, und 1932 wurden…
O carnaval
O fevereiro é o mês do carnaval no Brasil, porém os preparativos do carnaval 2018 estão começando. Cada região prepara de forma especial, acrescentando o seu toque cultural, social e religioso. O Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Salvador-Bahia e Pernambuco…